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We Bring Balance & Efficiency To Your Life!
Three Helpful Steps To Declutter
Set a strategy and be conscious of what’s possible and realistic. For example, if you resolve to get rid of stuff around your home, map out a plan. Pick specific days for your rooms.
If you haven’t thought or used something for 1- 3 years, you are hoarding it. Those item(s) could be a good candidate for a charity or trash.
Create a household policy to limit cluttering, for example, for each new item added to your home or office, an existing item is donated or trashed.
If you are moving into a smaller house or condo, your new space may not accommodate all of your previous possessions accumulated over the years.
Feeling overwhelmed with the clutter around you?
When your loved one passes on, their belongings must be managed, organized, and removed.
Clutter and disorganization in your office or shop can waste precious time and money while you are looking for lost or misplaced items and information.
This business was developed to assist a growing number of baby boomers, who have accumulated a lot of “stuff” over the years who desire to live with less. However, at any age, my goal is to bring balance to your life by reducing the burden of clutter and disorganization in the environments that surround you. Whether it be your office or home, where there is clutter, there is a loss of time, energy and maybe money. My goal is to give you back time so that you can spend it doing the things that make you smile, like taking a vacation or spending quality time with family and friends.
FREEING people from disorder and clutter!
happy clients
days of experience
successful projects
My goal is to bring balance to your life by reducing your burden of disorganization and clutter. When you can quickly find the things you need; when your surroundings allow you to think clearly; when you are able to create, produce, and develop in environments that allow you to excel, ultimately you win; providing you the ability to thrive and win is what my services do for you.
I work in a collaboration with you, starting with an assessment of where your desire to declutter and organize lies. We map out an agreed upon plan and I go to work, bringing you into the project only when major decisions need to be made. I become your personal “Downsize Specialist”, reducing your clutter and disorganization burdens, one project at a time.
I am a professional organizer and trainer with a strategic outlook towards delivering results to my clients. I am called the “Downsize Specialist” because it is the way I live and train! My personality is catalytic in nature, and I am passionate about living in balance and to a harmonic rhythm.
P.O. Box 6114
Annapolis, MD
Thurs – Sun: 8:a – 5:p
Sa: By Appt Only